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  • Sarah

Lending a Hand... or Many

(submitted by Jenny)

There was a movement to deem April 3rd, 2018 as "punish a Muslim day," you may have heard. And then there was a movement to redeem it as "love a Muslim" day. But for me it was "Be loved by a bunch of Muslims" day. While driving my work's 12-passenger van stuffed with beds and household items to be delivered to a newly-arrived refugee family, I got stuck going uphill right by a school just as school was getting out. Five or six Somali men coming out of school or picking up their children quickly began to push, while others directed them. They pushed for at least 20 minutes, even though they could have given up because, as they said, "this van has terrible tires!" But they persisted and got me up the hill and on my way! I love that this is the Minnesota I know (even if I don’t love that it snows in April).

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